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Massive backlash for the European Commission’s so-called ‘Facilitators Package’: a huge coalition of 168 organisations and experts stands united against a proposed "insidious" police powers expansion.

We call to:
📢 Reject the #Europol Regulation
📢 Bring the Facilitation Directive in line with international standards
📢 Stop the criminalisation of migrants and rights defenders

Read and share the statement:

✊🏾 Reject the expansion of Europol’s powers!

Members of the #ProtectNotSurveil coalition, including EDRi's @chlobemy, have recently published a much-noticed opinion piece on the #Europol reform.

Read the article to find out "Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillance" and tell us what you think ⤵️

European Digital Rights (EDRi)Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillance - European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EU Commission’s proposal for a new Europol Regulation is a pretext for unchecked expansion of power and resources for Europol.

🗞️ Fresh off the press! The latest #EDRigram just landed in your inbox. In this edition, we cover:

🚨 Why the new #Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for #surveillance

🇵🇱 Poland's attempts to break the deadlock on the controversial #CSAR

🔓 Attacks on #encryption by #France and the #UK

Get up to speed on EU #DigitalRights now ⤵️

European Digital Rights (EDRi)EDRi-gram, 5 March 2025 - European Digital Rights (EDRi)What has the EDRis network been up to over the past two weeks? Find out the latest digital rights news in our bi-weekly newsletter.

Where is the independent reporting exposing *why* most countries won't sanction Israel (eg, US corps suing govts)

Where is the independent reporting telling us what sanctions *have* been implemented by who?

Where is the independent reporting showcasing existing BDS campaigns?

Has anyone seen it?

Via ICS, corps can sue govts for actions that threaten profits.

#IndependentMedia #GenocideNotWar #USPol #UKPol #CdnPoli #EuroPol #AusPol #ICS #ISDS .

"We have a shield, they don't. And they can no longer depend on the American nuclear deterrent. We need a strategic dialogue with those who don't have it, and that would make France stronger," Macron told Le Parisien newspaper.
#France #Europe #EuroPol #USPol

FRANCE 24 · Macron reopens debate on European nuclear umbrella after Trump-Zelensky showdownDi FRANCE 24

#Europol arrests 25 users of online network accused of sharing #AI #CSAM

#Europe is cracking down on AI-generated #sex images of minors. So far, Europol has arrested 25 people in a large-scale ongoing probe called #OperationCumberland and confirmed that more arrests are expected in the coming weeks.

Ars Technica · Europol arrests 25 users of online network accused of sharing AI CSAMDi Ashley Belanger

25 arrested in major crackdown of AI-generated child abuse images network.

Danish authorities led an operation, which resulted in 25 arrests, 33 house searches and 173 devices being seized across 20 countries.

The operation is "one of the first cases" involving AI-generated images of child sexual abuse material, according to Europe's law enforcement agency Europol, which supported the action.

POLITICO · 25 arrested in major crackdown of AI-generated child abuse images networkDi Pieter Haeck


Mentre la Polizia Postale e delle comunicazioni italiana dà notizia di una vasta operazione nazionale (denominata Hello) contro la pedopornografia on line (…), Europol fornisce la comunicazione di una vasta attività internazionale, denominata Cumberland.

Sono 25 gli arresti in 19 paesi (l'Italia non è compresa) per sfruttamento sessuale infantile, in una operazione coordinata da Europol ed iniziata dalle forze dell'ordine danesi. Nel corso dell'azione, sinora, sono stati 273 i sospetti identificati, 33 le perquisizioni svolte e 173 dispositivi elettronici sequestrati.

Il principale sospetto - un cittadino danese arrestato a novembre 2024 - gestiva una piattaforma online per distribuire materiale generato da AI.
Gli utenti potevano accedere al contenuto dopo aver effettuato un pagamento simbolico per ottenere una password.

La crescente facilità di creazione di immagini AI ha complicato l'identificazione di vittime e colpevoli, rendendo difficile per le autorità identificare se ci siano vittime reali coinvolte. Infatti le immagini generate da AI possono sembrare autentiche, rendendo difficile distinguere tra contenuti reali e artificiali. Inoltre la crescente facilità di creazione di tali immagini consente anche a individui con scarse competenze tecniche di produrle. Infine la mancanza di legislazione nazionale specifica rende complicata l'indagine e l'identificazione delle vittime.

Europol lancerà quindi una campagna per prevenire futuri crimini legati all'uso illegale dell'AI: la campagna mira a raggiungere i potenziali acquirenti di contenuti illegali attraverso messaggi online e altre strategie, come visite dirette e lettere di avviso.

L'obiettivo è educare e dissuadere i criminali, oltre a fornire supporto a chi cerca aiuto.

#operazioneHello #operationCumberland #pedopornografia #cooperazioneinternazionaledipolizia #Europol #poliziapostaleedellecomunicazioni


Interview: The World After Gaza: Pankaj Mishra

"The Holocaust is often considered the defining, unique act of evil for people in the West. Lesser known are the many other genocidal escapades of Western governments."

#GazaGenocideNotWar #westernImperialism #Genocide #USPol #UKPol #EuroPol .

The Chris Hedges Report · The World After Gaza (w/ Pankaj Mishra) | The Chris Hedges ReportDi Chris Hedges

Interview: The World After Gaza: Pankaj Mishra

"The Holocaust is often considered the defining, unique act of evil for people in the West. Lesser known are the many other genocidal escapades of Western governments."

#GazaGenocideNotWar #westernImperialism #Genocide #USPol #UKPol #EuroPol .

The Chris Hedges Report · The World After Gaza (w/ Pankaj Mishra) | The Chris Hedges ReportDi Chris Hedges