The hypocrisy of the West: Western media before February of 2022 on Ukraine (Ukraine is full of Nazis), Western Media after February 2022 (Slava Ukraini!)
The hypocrisy of the West: Western media before February of 2022 on Ukraine (Ukraine is full of Nazis), Western Media after February 2022 (Slava Ukraini!)
Western media before February of 2022 on Ukraine (Ukraine is full of Nazis), Western Media after February 2022 (Slava Ukraini!) Che tosto che arriva a Downing Street nello stesso abbigliamento di ieri! #Ucraina #Ucraino #Ukraine Amerika, wir können die russischen Puppen im Weißen Haus nicht gewinnen lassen! Lassen Sie uns zeigen, dass wir die Ukraine unterstützen! San Antonio, Texas, Sonntag, 2. März 2025 #Ukraine
Norway Firm Stops Fuel Supply To US Over Trump vs Zelensky #DonaldTrump #Norway #Ukraine
Support warmly all statements of opposition. Unearned moral credit is an issue, past disappoint a true concern, worry its fake is not stupid.
Vutbevery single objection allows the NEXT ONE, and unless there's a second its gone, and there won't be any more firsts.
Voters are angry right now, stop telling them to fuck off.
Your justifial concerns are not as iimmediate as Putin walking across Europe.
In Ukraine, Zelenskyy's the key,
With Trump, he's open to agree.
European leaders unite,
In the UK's defense fight,
Together, they'll strive to be free.
Put an American "Idea Theif" in your home so the Trump funding Tech Bros in America can use their knowledge of everything Europeans say and do to further their cash heavy boot licking support of Trump?
Hell no.
Alexa is Bezos. Bezos prevented his major paper (bought to make democracy die in darkness) from printing the Harris endorsement and Trump Warning. Bezos funds Trump
Bezos is part of the coup.
Do not pit an Alexa in your European home or business.
Hell no Mitarbeiter des Baykar -Werks in der Ukraine werden bereits in der Türkei ausgebildet #Konflikt #KriegInDerUkraine #RussischerÜberfallAufDieUkraineSeit2022 #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict Poroschenko unterstützte Zelensky: “Viele erwarteten, dass ich Zelensky jetzt kritisierte. Aber nein, das ist nicht das, was die Ukraine im Moment braucht – nicht Kritik, sondern Einheit.” #Konflikt #KriegInDerUkraine #RussischerÜberfallAufDieUkraineSeit2022 #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideoReport
Ukraine secures £2.26 billion UK loan for weapons production after failed Trump talks #EuropeanSecuritySummit #KeirStarmerZelenskyyMeeting #KingCharlesZelenskyyMeeting #RussianSovereignAssets #UKChancellorRachelReeves #UKSupportForUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineDefenceIndustry #UnitedKingdomLoanToUkraine #USUkraineTensions #ZelenskyyUKVisit
History Repeating: Kosovo, Ukraine and the Diplomacy That Never Was #DonaldTrump #Kosovo #Ukraine #VolodymyrZelenskyy
Tagesschau: «Vor dem Ukraine-Gipfel in London: Jetzt sind die Europäer am Zug»
Now we just wait until Trump announces this. ウクライナ人、ゼレンスキー・トランプ・ホワイトハウスの衝突の数時間後、外国人は「核のために」2,700万HRを調達しました #Ukraine ロシアの国営メディアレポーターがトランプゼレンスキーの座り込みのために楕円形のオフィスに入った #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict