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The #DundeeRep has two more runs of 'Confessions of a Shinagawa Monkey'. I don't know whether there are any tickets left, but go and watch it if you can! 😊

The story is interestingly re-imagined (including language elements - I am saying no more 😉🤐), it has great stage design & process, and excellent actors.

#Dundee #Scotland #Murakami #VanishingPoint #KAAT #Theatre

Dundee RepConfessions of a Shinagawa MonkeyExperience Dundee Rep & Scottish Dance Theatre's dynamic performances. Discover innovative theatre and captivating dance in the heart of Scotland.

Una scrittura sublime, che ti incolla alla pagina.

Qualcosa di inarrivabile, che a me pare perfetto.

E pagina dopo pagina volevo sapere, capire dove quella costruzione di parole mi avrebbe portato.

E dopo essere arrivato alla fine dell'ultima pagina, penso di poter dire che in materano c'è una parola perfetta per descrivere questo romanzo di Murakami.


'Now it’s McCoy Tyner’s piano solo I hear, the left hand carving out a repetitious rhythm and the right layering on thick, forbidding chords.…The patient, repeating music ever so slowly breaks apart the real, rearranging the pieces. It has a hypnotic, menacing smell, just like the forest'—Kafka On The Shore, Murakami

"Jazz In Haruki Murakami Novels Mix"