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Any #Journalists covering tech issues (some of you know this already):

I am always happy to help you understand the background and probable impacts of things you’re covering. If there’s commercial sensitivity (partners or competitors being covered), I will disclose this and give you only broad background. For anything else where I am a direct expert, I will happily give quotes. If I am not the best person to help, I will try to connect you with people who are.

Note: This offer no longer applies to journalists working for @theregister. Publications that publish private correspondence without even having the decency to contact the people being quoted (even after publication) and that frame them as if they were approved quotes do not get help. Sorry to the fantastic folks from El Reg that I’ve worked with before, blame Tom Claburn and Chris Williams. In the future I will only have on-the-record conversations with you and only when it is directly to my benefit.

Still very happy to help folks working for any other publications in any area where I can.

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Why Techdirt Is Now A Democracy Blog (Whether We Like It Or Not)

" #tech and #legal #journalists have... seen how #technology can be wielded to consolidate #power... and how smoke & mirrors claims about #innovation can mask old-fashioned power grabs. It’s a playbook we watched #Musk perfect at #Twitter, and now we’re seeing it deployed on a national scale."

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"While establishment #journalists & politicians struggle to explain to what’s happening, Robb makes it clear that we are in the middle of an advanced struggle. It's about imposing a #NetworkState model on the #UnitedStates and using a #tech takeover to seal the deal.

The good news: Robb believes the current project will likely fail"


Jérusalem : l’armée israélienne tire délibérément sur des journalistes

> Le journaliste palestinien Yusuf Shhadeh a été blessé après que les forces d’occupation israéliennes ont ouvert le feu sur des journalistes alors qu’ils couvraient les opérations de démolition menées par les forces dans la ville de Rafat, au nord-ouest de Jérusalem occupée. ARRESTATIONS DE JOURNALISTES Les forces d'occupation arrêtent le journaliste palestinien Ahmad Jalajel après avoir [...]

europalestine.comJérusalem : l’armée israélienne tire délibérément sur des journalistesLe journaliste palestinien Yusuf Shhadeh a été blessé après que les forces d’occupation israéliennes ont ouvert le feu sur des journalistes alors qu’ils couvraient les opérations de démolition menées par les forces dans la ville de Rafat, au nord-ouest de Jérusalem occupée. ARRESTATIONS DE JOURNALISTES Les forces d'occupation arrêtent le journaliste palestinien Ahmad Jalajel après avoir [...]