Recently I wrote about why I kinda like George Monbiot's work when he describes the problem of capitalism and climate crisis, but also think he's fucking delusional if he believes trying to tax rich people is gonna be enough to get us out of the ecological nightmare we're facing down because of rich people and capitalism:
Nina-Bytes: No Half Measures
"Look, there’s nothing at all wrong with Monbiot’s argument that billionaire oligarchs should bear a greater taxation burden than they do now because it’s going to cost a lot of money for the human species to solve the problems primarily created by the capitalist activities of, you guessed it, billionaire oligarchs. It’s just that when George’s article goes on to explain that those very same oligarchs operate with impunity on a global scale, have enough money to literally buy the governments of our nation states, and clearly have no intention of ceasing to push our species right off the ecological cliff for profit, it becomes incredibly obvious that not only will they never agree to pay such a tax, but even if they did it wouldn’t do enough to address the fatal power imbalances he’s talking about here; facts that Monbiot himself more or less concedes in this very article."