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"Even if you think you’ve heard it all, some of the details in this column will take your breath away... This society lauded a police officer who lied & cheated and ruined lives."

George Monbiot on Bob Lambert & the scandal of Britain's political secret police

The Guardian · This society lauded a police officer who lied and cheated and ruined lives. At last, a reckoningDi George Monbiot
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#Neoliberalism will cease to exist only when it ceases to be useful to powerful people. It doesn’t matter how many times it fails, materially, intellectually or morally. While it remains a useful tool for solving the problem of democracy, it will continue to be deployed. Remember, this is not about meeting the needs of society as a whole, [..]. It’s about meeting the needs of #oligarchs, #corporations and the #ultrarich.”

George #Monbiot

George MonbiotHow to Change EverythingAn interview with The Ink, about where we are, how we got here and where we need to go. George Monbiot, interviewed by The Ink, 9th July 2024 TI: Can you walk us through how you define neoliberalism” — the “Invisible Doctrine” of the book’s title. And of “capitalism,” for that matter? GM: Let’s start…

“Monbiot is right about the wickedness of capitalism. Yet he acts as its propagandist”

by Jonathan Cook on Substack

“Capitalism is irredeemably destructive, warns George Monbiot. So why is he shilling for the Guardian, when its role is to create bipartisan support for crushing the anti-capitalist, anti-war left?”

Jonathan Cook · Monbiot is right about the wickedness of capitalism. Yet he acts as its propagandistDi Jonathan Cook

This #Monbiot piece chimes with much of what I posted here last week about #JSO and the #Sunflowers soup protestors…but I didn’t know about the previous of the judge, Christopher Hehir. Violent rich men or those who that are police officers, who physically and sexually attack their victims get suspended sentences, while those who attempt to draw attention to #ClimateBreakdown are thrown in jail.

The Guardian · As the waters rise, a two-year sentence for throwing soup. That’s the farcical reality of British justiceDi George Monbiot

The Guardian: Heat Shock

" extreme heat raged across the southern United States this summer, the governors of Florida and Texas struck down heat protections for outdoor workers.
That the homes and offices through which they glide and the food they eat are grown and harvested by people working in the outlands, ... is no concern of theirs: however many die, there will always be more." George Monbiot

Recently I wrote about why I kinda like George Monbiot's work when he describes the problem of capitalism and climate crisis, but also think he's fucking delusional if he believes trying to tax rich people is gonna be enough to get us out of the ecological nightmare we're facing down because of rich people and capitalism:

Nina-Bytes: No Half Measures

"Look, there’s nothing at all wrong with Monbiot’s argument that billionaire oligarchs should bear a greater taxation burden than they do now because it’s going to cost a lot of money for the human species to solve the problems primarily created by the capitalist activities of, you guessed it, billionaire oligarchs. It’s just that when George’s article goes on to explain that those very same oligarchs operate with impunity on a global scale, have enough money to literally buy the governments of our nation states, and clearly have no intention of ceasing to push our species right off the ecological cliff for profit, it becomes incredibly obvious that not only will they never agree to pay such a tax, but even if they did it wouldn’t do enough to address the fatal power imbalances he’s talking about here; facts that Monbiot himself more or less concedes in this very article."

Nina Illingworth Dot Com | "When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution" · Nina-Bytes: No Half Measures | Nina Illingworth Dot ComOnce again George Monbiot is making the argument against oligarchy and climate crisis; it's just a shame he won't be honest about the solution to these problems

#UKpolitics #Monbiot on #Starmer

Monbiot is spot on on UKpolitics and on the global politics.

The center is owned by #BigMoney and #MainStreamMedia.
The same media are in love with popular ultra right. And because of that other developments on the left and green are ignored.
But George tells this far better:

"George Monbiot EXPOSES Keir Starmer's Hollow Victory" [12:21 min]
by Double Down News

Quote by DDN:
"Jul 8, 2024
All is not what it seems...
Full 32min Interview: George Monbiot on the UK Elections, Gaza, PR & The Rise of Reform on Patreon-> ► / 107734157 <-

#UKpolitics #Monbiot on #Starmer

I won't wait till this evening [🇳🇱 - time] to share this.

Monbiot is spot on on UKpolitics and on the global politics.

The center is owned by #BigMoney and #MainStreamMedia.
The same media are in love with popular ultra right. And because of that other developments on the left and green are ignored.
But George tells this far better:

"George Monbiot EXPOSES Keir Starmer's Hollow Victory" [12:21 min]
by Double Down News

Quote by DDN:
"Jul 8, 2024
All is not what it seems...
Full 32min Interview: George Monbiot on the UK Elections, Gaza, PR & The Rise of Reform on Patreon-> ► / 107734157 <-

“If Trump is installed in the White House again, the US government, always a questionable friend, is likely to become a clear threat to our peace, security and wellbeing. It will rip up what remains of global security and detente, environmental and human rights agreements, and international law. The age of multilateralism, flawed as it always was, would be over, and something much worse will take its place.”
-George Monbiot

George MonbiotIndependence from AmericaThe US, always a questionable friend, threatens, if Trump wins, to become our greatest threat. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian  4th July 2024 Soon after Labour forms a government, it will find itself in a new world. It now seems likely that Donald Trump will win the presidency of the United States. If…