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[Mar 25/03 @vag61] Presentazione del libro “Vipera” con Ilaria Salis

MARTEDÌ 25 MARZO 2025 alle 18.30
a Vag61, in via Paolo Fabbri 110
rione Cirenaica, Bologna

Iniziativa a cura di Associazione di Mutuo Soccorso per il diritto di espressione, Eccedenze Organizzate e Vag61

Zone rosse, Daspo urbani, fogli di via, DDL sic[Mar 25/03 @Vag61] Presentazione del libro “Vipera” con Ilaria Salis | Associazione di Mutuo Soccorso

In the course of the "Day of Honor" Nazifest in Budapest in February 2023, the Hungarian government either arrested or subsequently issued international arrest warrants for a number of people who it says engaged in violence against the event's participants. Several of those people are currently either in custody of Órban's authoritarian state or pending extradition there.

There hasn't been a whole lot of detailed coverage of this stuff in English, so I recently interviewed a member of the Budapest Antifascist Solidarity Committee (BASC) in the hope of getting the word out a bit more widely and clarifying just what happened in Budapest and what has been going on since those events. The good people of @antidotezine were then kind enough to publish that interview today, on the one-year anniversary of Maja's arrest. If you've seen some of the hashtags below and didn't really have the context, this may well clear up a lot of questions. · International Antifascist Solidarity: The Budapest-Komplex | Antidote ZineIn June 2024, a German antifascist was extradited from Germany to Hungary in a hasty operation intended to deny them all legal recourse. On the anniversary ...

This is a week and a half old, but I missed it at the time, and it's still a live issue. It's a press release from Ilaria Salis, who was imprisoned in Hungary for allegedly attacking Nazis in Budapest, but was released after she was elected to the EU Parliament last June (EU Parliamentarians have legal immunity, at least for now).

Originally posted on X. Link available upon request.


Ilaria Salis


It will soon be announced at the European Parliament in Strasbourg the request for the revocation of my immunity by the Hungarian authorities.

It is no coincidence that the transmission of this request to the Parliament occurred on October 10th, the day after my speech in the Plenary on the Hungarian presidency, where I strongly criticized Orbán’s regime.

Evidently, tyrants can hardly tolerate criticism.

As I have repeatedly stated, I hope that the Parliament chooses to defend the rule of law and human rights without yielding to the arrogance of an "illiberal democracy" with autocratic tendencies, which, through the words of its own leaders, has already declared me guilty on multiple occasions before any verdict.

What is at stake is not only my personal future, but also and above all, the future of what we want Europe to be, increasingly threatened by authoritarian political forces.

The minimum conditions for a fair trial in Hungary are absent—not for me, not for Maja, and not for any political opponent, especially those who are antifascist.

We have already shown the power of solidarity. It is time to mobilize once again, in the name of antifascism, democracy, and true justice.

Ilaria Salis, 22nd October 2024

Accusée de "tentative d'agression" & d' "appartenance à un groupe d'extrême-gauche", une députée européenne a déjà passé 11 mois dans les geôles de Orban. Celui-ci veut maintenant faire lever son immunité parlementaire pour la renvoyer en prison.

Quand un fasciste préside le Conseil de l'#UE, où va l'UE ?

Où est l'#antifascisme censé être dans les gènes de l'UE ?

Comment un pays qui a enfermé une citoyenne italienne dans des geôles infestées de rats & l'a fait comparaitre enchainée au tribunal peut-il présider l'UE ?

Et tout ça parce qu'elle a protesté contre les dérives fascistes de la #Hongrie.

The Guardian · ‘Orbán has already condemned me’: Italian MEP on Hungary’s effort to jail her againDi Lorenzo Tondo
Discussione continua

“‘As I have already said several times, I hope that Parliament will choose to defend the rule of law and human rights without giving in to the arrogance of an “illiberal democracy” in an autocratic drift which, also through the mouths of its own leaders, has already declared guilty me on several occasions before sentencing,’ Salis continued in the note, stressing that “the minimum conditions for a fair trial to take place in Hungary do not exist.’”

Eunews · Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for Ilaria SalisRoberta Metsola's announcement in the Strasbourg hemicycle. Now the Hungarian judges' request will be referred to the Legal Affairs Committee, which will adopt a recommendation ahead of a simple majority vote in the Eurochamber. Salis: "Not only my personal future is at stake, but what we want Europe to be"

“Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for [European MEP] Ilaria Salis … who spent 15 months in preventive imprisonment in Budapest on charges of assault against … neo-Nazi militants”

(Yes, you read all of that right.)

Here’s an idea: how about we lift Hungary’s EU membership instead and tell Orban in no uncertain terms that he can go fuck himself?

Eunews · Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for Ilaria SalisRoberta Metsola's announcement in the Strasbourg hemicycle. Now the Hungarian judges' request will be referred to the Legal Affairs Committee, which will adopt a recommendation ahead of a simple majority vote in the Eurochamber. Salis: "Not only my personal future is at stake, but what we want Europe to be"
Discussione continua

Ungarn fordert Aufhebung der Immunität von #IlariaSalis #BudapestKomplex

„Salis ist nach den EU-Wahlen im Juni ins Europäische Parlament gewählt worden, nachdem sie über ein Jahr in einem ungarischen Gefängnis verbracht hatte. In Ungarn wird ihr vorgeworfen, einen Neonazi während einer rechtspopulistischen Veranstaltung in #Budapest im Jahr 2023 angegriffen zu haben. Mit der Wahl ins EU-Parlament genießt die italienische Aktivistin Immunität und wurde aus diesem Grund aus ihrer Haft in Ungarn entlassen.

Ihr Fall erregte internationale Aufmerksamkeit, als Fotos auftauchten, die sie erniedrigt in Handschellen und Fußfesseln beim Betreten des Gerichtssaals zeigten.

Im Januar hatte Salis einen Brief an das italienische Konsulat geschickt, in dem sie die Herausforderungen schilderte, mit denen sie im Budapester Gefängnis konfrontiert war. Unter anderem nannte sie unhygienische Bedingungen….“

Rede von ilara im Europäischen Parlament:

EURACTIV · Ungarn fordert Aufhebung der EU-Immunität von italienischer AktivistinDi Nicoletta Ionta

RaiNews by undefined
La difesa di Ilaria Salis: "Sono stata già condannata da Orban, non può esserci processo equo"

L'eurodeputata Avs il giorno dopo la richiesta di Budapest di revocarle l'immunità parlamentare: "L'Ungheria vuole impedirmi di svolgere il mandato. Chiedo al premier Orban se è normale affermare che una persona è un delinquente prima della sentenza"

Ilaria Salis's defense: "I have already been condemned by Orban, there cannot be a fair trial."

The MEP said the day after Budapest requested to revoke her parliamentary immunity: “Hungary wants to prevent me from carrying out my mandate. I ask Prime Minister Orban if it is normal to claim that a person is a criminal before a sentence.”

#MEP #Hungary #Orban #IlariaSalis #Budapest #primeminister

RaiNews · La difesa di Ilaria Salis: "Sono stata già condannata da Orban, non può esserci processo equo"Di Redazione di Rainews


É di poche ore fa la notizia che l'Ungheria di Orban ha chiesto la revoca dell'immunità parlamentare per Ilaria Salis, eletta al Parlamento Europeo alle elezioni di pochi mesi fa con quasi 200.000 voti.
Scriver Ilaria sul suo profilo: "Non è una coincidenza che la trasmissione della richiesta al Parlamento sia avvenuta il 10 ottobre, il giorno successivo al mio intervento in Plenaria sulla presidenza ungherese, quando ho criticato duramente l’operato di Orbán.
Evidentemente, i tiranni faticano a digerire le critiche. (...)
Abbiamo già dimostrato cosa può la solidarietà. È tempo di mobilitarsi di nuovo, in nome dell’antifascismo, della democrazia e di una vera giustizia".

RaiNews by undefined
L'Ungheria chiede la revoca dell'immunità parlamentare per Ilaria Salis

L'eurodeputata di The Left: "Il Parlamento europeo difenda lo stato di diritto, senza cedere alla prepotenza di una democrazia illiberale", e invita alla mobilitazione

Hungary demands the revocation of parliamentary immunity for Ilaria Salis.

The Left MEP: "The European Parliament must defend the rule of law, without giving in to the pressure of an illiberal democracy," and calls for mobilization.

#Hungary #IlariaSalis #democracy

RaiNews · L'Ungheria chiede la revoca dell'immunità parlamentare per Ilaria SalisDi Redazione di Rainews - Homepage by di Claudio Del Frate 
Per Ilaria Salis chiesta dall'Ungheria la revoca dell'immunità parlamentare: 'Non martire, ma delinquente'

L'iniziativa di Budapest: l'Europarlamento  potrà adottarla o respingerla a maggioranza semplice. Lei: «Si difenda lo stato di diritto»

"According to Ilaria Salis, immunity from Parliament has been requested to be revoked from Hungary. 'Not a martyr, but a criminal.'"

The Budapest Initiative: The European Parliament can adopt it or reject it by a simple majority. You: "Defend the rule of law."

#IlariaSalis #Parliament #Hungary

Corriere della Sera · Per Ilaria Salis chiesta dall'Ungheria la revoca dell'immunità parlamentareDi redazioneonline