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Dutch Water Works

The Netherlands have a long history of extraordinary public works when it comes to water management. With much of the country’s land lying at or below sea level, massive civil engineering infrastructure is a necessity. In this Practical Engineering video, Grady takes us on a tour of Dutch water works, from the centuries-old techniques that allowed farmers to claim arable land from marshes to the unbelievably massive structures that protect the Dutch coastline from flooding and storm surges.

For the Dutch, these projects, expensive as they are to build and maintain, are cheaper than the cost of inaction, as numerous devastating floods of the past have taught them. Although the goals are often the same — shortening the coastline, protecting land and people — the techniques are constantly evolving, especially as ecological needs of non-human species are taken into account. (Video and image credit: Practical Engineering)

🚧 Strong roads start with strong foundations! The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test ensures soil can handle heavy traffic, preventing road failures. Do you know how CBR values impact pavement thickness? Learn the step-by-step process now!

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Reinforced concrete shows that people break engineering. The original promises about the lifespan of reinforced concrete assumed that the rebar was not allowed to oxidize before it was enclosed in concrete, but construction workers never got the memo about storing rebar somewhere dry and when you add salt water from road salt garages rot from the inside out. #civilEngineering #errorBetweenKeyboardAndChair

CBCWitness spotted cracks evening before downtown parking garage collapsed | CBC NewsLine De Matteis was one of just a few people to notice the cracks in a downtown Ottawa parking garage before its top floor partially gave out last week.

They Got 99 Problems, but a Bridge Ain't One

"Traffic, trains, tolls, and more—no one can get everything they want. Compromise is key, or else bridges get delayed for 20 years.

In this video, I meet Greg Johnson, head of the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, to discuss the $7 billion project aiming to finally build a new bridge between Portland and Vancouver. Can everyone strike a deal?"

Unlock the secrets of soil stability with Hand Vanes! Discover how these precision tools enhance testing accuracy.
Check out our complete guide: and explore our products here:
Don’t miss out on essential insights—visit our blog now!

Do Commercial Developments Require a Land Surveyor OKC? | Sisemore & Associates

Commercial developments are complex endeavors... the work of a land surveyor OKC is pivotal in this process... Visit us to learn more.

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USDA 2024 Aerial Imagery Now Available For Download In Texas!🛩️🛰️
-- <-- shared USDA Geospatial Data Gateway (i.e., download the raster aerials here)
“The USDA has released its 2024 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) aerial imagery, providing high-resolution, 1-meter data for all 254 Texas counties…
✅ Newly built bridge and highway infrastructure
✅ Stormwater & drainage evaluations (newly built drainage infrastructure)
✅ Right-of-way assessment (environmental analysis)…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #RemoteSensing #NAIP #USDA #SpatialAnalysis #GISCommunity #AEC #AerialImagery #GISchat #InfrastructurePlanning #CivilEngineering #TransportationPlanning #LandSurveying #EnvironmentalAnalysis #EngineeringInnovation #opendata #Texas #USA #imagery #infrastructure #stormwater #drainage #rightofway #environmental #bridge #highway #planning #management #resource #reference

How Cooling Towers Work

Power plants (and other industrial settings) often need to cool water to control plant temperatures. This usually requires cooling towers like the iconic curved towers seen at nuclear power plants. Towers like these use little to no moving parts — instead relying cleverly on heat transfer, buoyancy, and thermodynamics — to move and cool massive amounts of water. Grady breaks them down in terms of operation, structural engineering, and fluid/thermal dynamics in this Practical Engineering video. Grady’s videos are always great, but I especially love how this one tackles a highly visible piece of infrastructure from multiple engineering perspectives. (Video and image credit: Practical Engineering)

The Best of FYFD 2024

Welcome to another year and another look back at FYFD’s most popular posts. (You can find previous editions, too, for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. Whew, that’s a lot!) Here are some of 2024’s most popular topics:

  • The Taum Sauk Dam Failure and Its Legacy
  • Stretching Ant Rafts
  • Gigapixel Supernova
  • Feynman’s Sprinkler Solved
  • Calming the Waves
  • “Dew Point” Deposits Droplets
  • Drying Unaffected by Humidity
  • Trapped in a Taylor Column
  • Exciting a Flame in a Trough
  • Remembering Rivers Past
  • A Comet’s Tail
  • Light Pillars
  • Liquid Metal Printing
  • The Miscible Faraday Instability
  • A Triangular Prominence

This year’s topics are a good mix: fundamental research, civil engineering applications, geophysics, astrophysics, art, and one good old-fashioned brain teaser. Interested in what 2025 will hold? There are lots of ways to follow along so that you don’t miss a post.

And if you enjoy FYFD, please remember that it’s a reader-supported website. I don’t run ads, and it’s been years since my last sponsored post. You can help support the site by becoming a patronbuying some merch, or simply by sharing on social media. And if you find yourself struggling to remember to check the website, remember you can get FYFD in your inbox every two weeks with our newsletter. Happy New Year!

(Image credits: dam – Practical Engineering, ants – C. Chen et al., supernova – NOIRLab, sprinkler – K. Wang et al., wave tank – L-P. Euvé et al., “Dew Point” – L. Clark, paint – M. Huisman et al., iceberg – D. Fox, flame trough – S. Mould, sign – B. Willen, comet – S. Li, light pillars – N. Liao, chair – MIT News, Faraday instability – G. Louis et al., prominence – A. Vanoni)