#unejourunephoto #photomarch JOUR 6 : TITRE DE FILM
The Cameraman de Buster Keaton : Parce que la caméra du grand-père trône dans mon entrée.
Parce que le livre de Robert Benayoun "Le regard de Buster" me suit depuis le début de mes études.
Parce que... Buster
Et toi ? Quel est ton film préféré ?
First up is “One Week” (1920) starring Buster Keaton and Sibyl Seely (https://youtu.be/Xd6ddOlbKp8?si=a8UHjtHAO6erUlNA)
#SilentFlickerSunday #OneWeek #BusterKeaton #SibylSeely #SilentFilm
I have advanced contacts with a very serious company to jointly acquire the Mar-a-Lago villa in Palm Beach and make it a wonderful residence for wealthy retired seniors. Alternatively, a toxic waste dump.
#Trump #BusterKeaton #Gaza
Ho contatti avanzati con un'azienda molto seria per acquisire insieme la villa Mar-a-Lago a Palm Beach e farne una stupenda residenza per facoltosi anziani in pensione. In alternativa, un deposito di rifiuti tossici.
#Trump #BusterKeaton #Gaza
RogerEbert.com: Silents Synced Pairs Silent Classics with ’90s Alt-Rock (It’s a Gen-X Thing)
"The second release will be Buster Keaton’s “Sherlock, Jr.” paired with career-spanning songs by R.E.M. In a statement, Bertis Downs, the band’s manager, said, “The guys thought it seems like a good idea and they like the uncanny way their music and ‘Sherlock, Jr.’ match up — kind of perfect. What a great and unlikely way of presenting great art.” ... Frank envisions “Silents Synced” as having the same repeatable potential that will appeal to film and music buffs, particularly fans of that particular band. Titles yet to be announced for 2025 will be synced to They Might Be Giants, Pearl Jam, the Pixies and others."
"Sherlock Jr." will be at the Landmark in #Annapolis #Maryland next Wednesday at 7pm; maybe it's showing at other Landmark theatres in the DC area.
I just watched Shelock Jr. (Buster Keaton, 1924) and rated it 9/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Jr. #films #cinema #cinemastodon #SherlockJr #BusterKeaton
Uno degli ultimi film con #BusterKeaton fu Due marines e un generale, al fianco di Franco e Ciccio, uscito negli USA col titolo War Italian Style nelle sale dal #12gennaio 1965. https://www.lasinistraquotidiana.it/buster-keaton-ridere-e-un-modo-per-pensare/
Happy birthday to Sybil Seely, my favorite Buster Keaton leading lady.
Il #31dicembre 1926 venne rilasciato The General (Come vinsi la guerra) del grande Buster Keaton... buon anno! https://www.lasinistraquotidiana.it/buster-keaton-ridere-e-una-cosa-seria/
Am Samstag, den 21. Dezember 2024, ist um 20:00 Uhr Buster Keatons “The Cameraman" (USA 1928) im Filmmuseum Düsseldorf mit Livemusik von Wilfried Kaets zu erleben. Mehr unter https://www.stummfilm-magazin.de/aktuelles/artikel/duesseldorf-der-kameramann-mit-livemusik
#stummfilmmagazin #stummfilm #silentmovie #silentfilm #kino #film #kinoprogramm #filmerbe #filmklassiker #filmgeschichte #busterkeaton #düsseldorf #filmmuseumdüsseldorf #blackbox
Am Samstag, den 21. Dezember 2024, ist um 20:00 Uhr Buster Keatons “The Cameraman" (USA 1928) im Filmmuseum Düsseldorf mit Livemusik von Wilfried Kaets zu erleben. Mehr unter https://www.stummfilm-magazin.de/aktuelles/artikel/duesseldorf-der-kameramann-mit-livemusik
#stummfilmmagazin #stummfilm #silentmovie #silentfilm #kino #film #kinoprogramm #filmerbe #filmklassiker #filmgeschichte #busterkeaton #düsseldorf #filmmuseumdüsseldorf #blackbox
In dat opzicht leunde Tati meer tegen Keaton aan dan tegen Lloyd. Al vind je bij Keaton de typische natural gag terug, terwijl vooral Tati's Playtime eerder georchestreerde plus sociaal-kritische #gags vertoonde.
Verder kwamen zowel Keaton als Tati uit de Amerikaanse vaudeville traditie. Of in het geval van Tati: music hall.
De Keaton invloeden bij hedendaagse cineasten zijn ook legio.
Find a man who loves you like Buster Keaton loves Brown Eyes the cow in GO WEST (1925).
It’s streaming on Tubi and Kanopy (free with a library card) if you’d like to celebrate the 99th anniversary.
This is the 2018 restoration w/ a beautiful score by the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra.