Recipe made in ‘panic’ for Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother | Royal | News #BananesAuCaramel #QueenElizabeth #Recipes #RecipesTopics #RoyalFamilyDessertRecipe #TomParkerBowles
From the Tilbury Speech by Elizabeth I:
"I know I have the body but of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm"
Never thought I'd get teary reading about #QueenElizabeth but the description of her final moments in Craig Brown's A Voyage Around the Queen choked me up. A rare moment of emotion in what is otherwise a wildly entertaining book. As the author says "personal encounters with the Queen, often bizarre and unexpected" lie at the heart of the book. There are memorable chapters on vicious corgis, ill appointed poet laureates and royal portraitists, curmudgeonly recipients and non-recipients of royal honours and laugh out loud tours of Brittania and Sandringham. Highly recommended. @bookstodon
Mossad to IDF: “Don't post your genocidal acts on social media. Your vacation will turn into a nightmare”
#QueenElizabeth never visited #Israel, and considered Israelis terrorists or children of terrorists. She was correct.
Fingers crossed all their #vacations will forever be #nightmares!
Filippo di Edimburgo: “take the fucking picture”
#boomerissimo #princephilip #queenelizabeth #RoyalFamily #RoyalHistory
King Charles III, says that his mum, Queen Elizabeth, left $3 million to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool #BeatlesMuseum #Humor #KingCharlesIII #QueenElizabeth #Satire
Der Flugzeugträger #QueenElizabeth verlässt gerade #Hamburg. Hier LIVE Bilder:
Today is Indigenous Veterans Day, and I want to honour my Inuk/Mi'kmaw father, Chesley Powell. He was a peacekeeper in the 60s and very early 70s. He was exposed to all sorts of awful chemicals (PCBs and Agent Orange) which caused skin issues for him and likely caused the joint issues my sister, her daughter, and I were born with.
He was a private with the Black Watch and served in Cyprus, Israel, Jamaica, as well as in Canada during the FLQ Crisis.
He wasn't born in Canada but in Newfoundland when it was still a British colony. He ended up as the honour guard for Queen Elizabeth and her mother, probably because he looked very good in uniform. He was a very handsome man in his youth and made for primo arm candy.
Fun trivia: at one point, someone had the bright idea to change the way the Black Watch presented arms to the Queen. Previously, they all kneeled on both knees. On the occasion of the ill-thought-out change, they instead knelt on one knee with the other up. Considering they were all in kilts and were in full regimental mode, the Queen saw a lot of soldier junk swinging free. Dad was in the front row and totally flashed the Queen.
She didn't lose her composure but decreed that the Black Watch should go back to their previous method of presenting arms.
#IndigenousVeteransDay #Indigenous #PeaceKeeper #warrior #Veteran #military #QueenElizabeth #BlackWatch
#DonaldTrump, #Madonna, #QueenElizabeth: Über wen am meisten berichtet hat -
Mehr als 1,2 Millionen Artikel sind bis heute auf erschienen. Über diese Personen, Orte und Themen haben wir in 30 Jahren am meisten geschrieben
#DERSPIEGEL - Homepage by di Paola De Carolis
Al Fayed stupratore, 30 anni di silenzi, ma la Regina Elisabetta sapeva. «E Diana venne allertata diverse volte»
Il documentario della Bbc ha reso pubblica una vicenda fatta di molestie e stupri verso le sue dipendenti, «belle, bionde e snelle», rimasta coperta grazie ad amici conniventi e corrotti. Elisabetta II venne informata non appena Lady Diana cominciò a frequentare il figlio del miliardario egiziano
Al Fayed rapist, 30 years of silence, but Queen Elizabeth knew. "And Diana was warned several times."
The BBC documentary exposed a case of harassment and rape against its employees, described as "beautiful, blonde, and slim," which remained covered up thanks to complicit and corrupt friends. Queen Elizabeth II was informed as soon as Lady Diana started dating the son of the Egyptian billionaire.
#BBC #ElizabethII #LadyDiana #Egypt #AlFayed #QueenElizabeth #Diana #harassment #rape #queen
‘Very rude’: the late Queen’s salty verdict on Donald Trump
A new biography of Elizabeth II claims she was less than impressed with the former president after he paid her a visit
She must have hosted a few controversial leaders during her reign? Putin, Assad, Mugabe, Amin.
And of all the leaders it was Trump who she found rude!
‘Very rude’: the late Queen’s salty verdict on Donald Trump #donaldtrump #queenelizabeth
#QueenElizabeth sends her thoughts of #DonaldTrump from her grave. Proving that #Trump lied about their relationship, in case there’s a single sane #American who wasn’t sure.
#USpol #TrumpLies and #TrumpSmells but #KamalaBringsUsJoy.
24 rolls of Andrex toilet paper: £11.75
1 edition of the Daily Mail: £1.10
Today’s Daily Mail headline: Priceless
Queen Elizabeth II Portrait ~ Windsor Castle ~ Near London England
We visited Windsor Castle right after Queen Elizabeth II was buried. It was a much more moving experience that I expected. Seeing her at her peak in this classic portrait was very moving.
A classic iconic portrait of the much beloved queen of England.
#queenelizabeth #portrait #windsor #WindsorCastle #travel #landmarks #england #london #portrait #photography
Allegorical Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, c.1920s - Methuen Postcard
Filippo di Edimburgo: “ just take the fucking picture”
La leggenda che ci mancherà, con video