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In Avant-Garde & Kitsch, Clement #Greenberg clung to the idea that high art was a noble fight against the tide of mass-produced garbage. But his elitist handwringing only underscored the real problem: mass culture always wins. The moment high art starts looking over its shoulder, it's already toast.

Andy #Warhol didn't just blur the line between high & low culture, he threw it in a blender & hit 'liquify.'

"I am certain that my ancestors and family members would have wanted people to take risks for them when they were experiencing #genocide and violence and persecution, so … in the grand scheme of things this is absolutely the right thing to to and it's absolutely the most #Jewish thing to do, as well."

(Lily #Greenberg, who just quit her job in the #Biden administration over its complicity in the #Gaza #genocide)

Schon jetzt hat Lily #Greenberg mutig und aus Überzeugung mehr für das Ansehen von #Juden und #Israelis – und damit gegen #Antisemitismus – getan als alle dt. Funktionäre in den letzten 75 Jahren.
Aber wir wissen ja, dass deren "#Staatsräson" nicht das Wohl und das gute Miteinander der Menschen, sondern die Erhaltung "unseres", sich gerade selbst zerlegenden Kolonialprojekts am Mittelmeer ist.