#ESPN #NFL #Aaron #Rodgers #Alan #Hahn #Get #Up #mike #greenberg #New
Event Attributes
In Avant-Garde & Kitsch, Clement #Greenberg clung to the idea that high art was a noble fight against the tide of mass-produced garbage. But his elitist handwringing only underscored the real problem: mass culture always wins. The moment high art starts looking over its shoulder, it's already toast.
Andy #Warhol didn't just blur the line between high & low culture, he threw it in a blender & hit 'liquify.'
#middleEast #peace #disarmament #Press #Releases
#apartheid #army #conscientious #objectors #Gaza #Israel#Itamar #Greenberg #Mesarvot #Palestine
"Since the beginning of the war, Mesarvot Network has been supporting refusers such as Tal Mitnik (185 days in prison), Sofia Orr (85 days) and Ben Arad (95 days). The three refusers imprisoned this week have received guidance and support from the previous refusers."
Greta Gerwig to Receive the Prestigious Will Rogers’ Pioneer of the Year Award
#MovieNews #Movies #Barbie #Boxoffice #FrancesHa #Greenberg #GretaGerwig #LadyBird #LittleWomen #NoahBaumbach
"I am certain that my ancestors and family members would have wanted people to take risks for them when they were experiencing #genocide and violence and persecution, so … in the grand scheme of things this is absolutely the right thing to to and it's absolutely the most #Jewish thing to do, as well."
(Lily #Greenberg, who just quit her job in the #Biden administration over its complicity in the #Gaza #genocide)
Schon jetzt hat Lily #Greenberg mutig und aus Überzeugung mehr für das Ansehen von #Juden und #Israelis – und damit gegen #Antisemitismus – getan als alle dt. Funktionäre in den letzten 75 Jahren.
Aber wir wissen ja, dass deren "#Staatsräson" nicht das Wohl und das gute Miteinander der Menschen, sondern die Erhaltung "unseres", sich gerade selbst zerlegenden Kolonialprojekts am Mittelmeer ist.