So as much as I am a (somewhat) left-leaning person I cannot agree with parkrosepermsculture's statement more. Chronically Online Leftists are Energy Vampires, and God it's annoying.
The best Example I saw of this recently was #Vaush I was looking at a video of his on YouTube, and I saw a headline that caused my head to almost melt into a nutrient Paste that #RFKJR could feed to his GD #brainworm.
"Hillary Clinton was worse than we thought"
I assumed it was a 2016 or 2018 video or something, and then I looked at the publish date...
It was like 5-6 days ago.
#MyBrotherInChrist, why, in the name of God, Buddha, Brahmin, Confucius, Mohammed, Satan, the entire ancient Greek and Roman Pantheon, and all other Pantheons that ever existed are you still talking about how bad Hillary Clinton was, IN THE YEAR 2025 C.E.?!?!?? AFTER THE #Dogebag #coup ? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?
So yeah, if you want proof of whether online leftists are truly worth our very limited energy that needs to be reserved for saving our fucking country, theres your proof that they are not.
So yeah, just be careful who you listen to.
Highly Recommend Parkrose permaculture on TikTok and YouTube tho.