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Yesterday evening, there were even better conditions to see #Mercury in the evening sky. Again, from the same spot on a bridge over the #Escaut river in Northern France.

To see a short 8 second #timelapse seeing Mercury vanish behind the trees on the horizon:

#Astronomy #Astronomie #Astro #AstroPhotography #Astrofotografie #Planets #Planeten #Venus #Mercury NaturePhotography #Nature #Water #River #Fluss #Wasser #Stille #Kontemplation #Spiegelung #Zeitraffer

#Rewilding in #TimeLapse #Scotland #50yrs in #50sec

"50 Years in 50 Seconds" [ ± 1min]
by scotlandthebigpicture931

Quote by stbp:
"Mar 6, 2025
50 years in 50 seconds is a visual representation of how a familiar Scottish landscape might develop over half a century, with reduced grazing pressure. As time unfolds, native woodlands expand, natural processes return and biodiversity flourishes as new habitats appear.
The exact nature and extent of change depends on many factors, but the transformation from a simplified landscape into something more complex and productive, is likely to apply to many upland areas across Scotland.
This sequence is part of The Fiadh Project, which seeks to encourage a new measure for successful deer management, placing greater emphasis on the recovery of ecological systems."
Find out more: -> <-

#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth
#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside #StopThePlunder
#ClimateBreakDown #StopRapingNature