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"Privacy respecting ads"

「 Shortly after, balenaEtcher started displaying ads. Although we didn't like that, we initially didn't view it as a significant privacy risk and had no better alternative at the time.

However, in 2024, the situation changed: balenaEtcher started sharing the file name of the image and the model of the USB stick with the Balena company and possibly with third parties 」

tails.netTails - Replacing balenaEtcher with Rufus as installer for Windows

From Malpensa to Tel Aviv: Italian police use Israeli software to spy on anti-deportation activsts

„Police violence is about more than batons. It also manifests itself through interference and encroachment into private life. Police have always used an odious set of tools to achieve this. They follow people’s movements and observe and listen to their daily lives.

Today, however, access by police forces and governments to confidential, detailed and sensitive information can be much more pervasive than one might imagine. The spyware system Paragon, that has recently come to light, is one example of this. The services provided by the Israeli company Cellebrite are another, albeit different, example.

We have written this text because we believe it may help people protect themselves from the pervasive surveillance by the authorities. We invite you to share it widely.…“

www.statewatch.orgStatewatch | From Malpensa to Tel Aviv: Italian police use Israeli software to spy on anti-deportation activstsIn March last year, four people were arrested after stopping a deportation flight to Morocco leaving Milan's Malpensa airport. When they got their phones back from the police, they found a strange file – one connected with spying products designed by the Israeli firm Cellebrite.

"How Google tracks Android device users before they've even opened an app"

I'm using an old Sony Xperia Z3 compact with CarbonROM so this doesn't affect me.

It doesn't come as a surprise, but it still sad and mad that this is the new norm i todays tech.

Screw them! Really

The Register · How Google tracks Android device users before they've even opened an appDi Connor Jones