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Dog Kane in: "I buoni e i cattivi"

I buoni e i cattivi
Storie dall’Archivio - No. 3
Kuiry (Francesco Gaggia)

16,5 x 23,5 cm
comic book americano
48 pagine
stampa a colori su carta uso mano avoriata da gr.115.

Una vicenda con la quale Dog Kane compie un passaggio dalla dimensione di quartiere a quella internazionale.
È il 1957 e gli occhi sono rivolti verso lo Spazio, mentre sulla Terra non è più così facile scegliere tra ‘I buoni e i cattivi’.
(la storia amplia e conclude i fatti iniziati nel comic book precedente: "La maestra sbagliata")

Le “Storie dall’Archivio” sono dei racconti/resoconti, redatti in prima persona dal detective con la sua Lettera 22, per lo schedario dei casi conclusi..

Pubblicato da:
Gaggia Francesco

Data di pubblicazione:
28 ottobre 2023
Luogo di pubblicazione:
Paese di pubblicazione:

© 2023-2025 Francesco Gaggia.

Qui, il fumetto in anteprima:

#DogKane #detective #noir #thriller #comics #ecomics #webcomics #fumetti #graphicnovel #storie #racconti #50s #annicinquanta #tales #libri #book #ebook #editoria #publishing #indie #indiepublishing #indiecomics #30s #spaceage #eraspaziale #teacher #coldwar #guerrafredda #FrancescoGaggia #Kuiry

Wildthought Books is a vegan-founded, independent publisher of fiction, non-fiction, handbooks and children’s books, all bound with compassion.
We’re all about captivating characters, unique ideas, and inspirational adventures, for a world where all beings are respected. Now there’s a wild thought! Find out more at

#Publishing #Publisher #Vegan #Veganism #Books
#VeganLife #Stories #StartUp #Activism

By a series of fortunate events, I came across this book at the library: "Killed Cartoons: Casualties of the war on free expression". This was written in 2007 and is a nice little time capsule of the environment at that time, which some people seem to misremember as a golden age when comedians could tell any joke without repercussions worse than a few groans and politicians never put any pressure on publications. So, if you want to remember, check out this book:

For Authors

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We’re delighted to announce we have acquired a second book from Nebula, Aurora, and World Fantasy Award finalist and Canadian-Chilean author P.A. Cornell! Her marvelous speculative fiction collection, The Astronaut Among the Flowers and Other Stories, will be published in August 2026. Read more about the book:

Book Deal Announcement The Astronaut Among the Flowers and Other Stories by P.A. Cornell August 2026
Stars and Sabers · Stars and Sabers Publishing - Second Book Deal for P.A. CornellStars and Sabers Publishing announces second book acquisition for Author P.A. Cornell: The Astronaut Among the Flowers and Other Stories - Press Release

“Cousins’ Rivalry” by Ted J. Brooks was displayed at the London Book Fair (LBF) at Olympia London from March 11-13, 2025

The book revolves around Greg Sutton and Robert Hawkins, cousins who find themselves at odds. Their central conflict stems from the inheritance of the Portmouth Falls Country Store, which Greg received from their grandfather.