Michael Parenti.
A good book can change your life
Michael Parenti.
A good book can change your life
@arrrg I was reading "Rational Fascism", last night which is the first chapter for "Blackshirts and Reds" by Micheal Parenti, and I am actually surprised how much similarity it has with the modern world. The same pattern repeats again.
It's another #parenti post from #tiktok.
I got #pancreatitis back in November 2020. It nearly killed me. I was in ICU for a week and med-surg for another.
When I presented to the ER, with the worst pain in my life, feeling like I was on death's door (I was), do you know what happened first?
The memory of writhing in agony, grasping frantically for my wallet, hunched over on a cold plastic chair, desperately awaiting care, is a permanent scar.
"And some of us who come from poor families, who carry around the hidden injuries of class, are very impressed -- are very, very impressed -- by these achievements..."
Damn straight. Don't you fucking tell me that the richest country on the planet can't do what the poorest ones did a fucking CENTURY ago.
Full transcript below.
"Communism, ladies and gentlemen, I say it without flinching: Communism in eastern Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea, and Cuba, brought land reform and human services; a dramatic bettering of the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people, on a scale never before, or never since, witnessed in human history. And that's something to appreciate. Communism transformed desperately poor countries into societies in which everyone had adequate food, shelter, medical care, and education. And some of us who come from poor families, who carry around the hidden injuries of class, are very impressed -- are very, very impressed -- by these achievements, and are not willing to dismiss them as 'economistic.' To say that 'socialism doesn't work,' is to overlook the fact that it DID work! And it worked for hundreds of millions of people!"
--Michael Parenti
Tutto molto bello, ma voi ce l'avete una "Zia Lulu"?
"Gentle hint" (eng): espediente verbale sottile e spesso ironico per far capire qualcosa a qualcuno.
Non vedi Parenti da decenni. Li incontri ad un rosario e parlano di come il mare venga scaldato artificialmente tramite le navi.
Azzeri il contatore e torni a non vedere Parenti per altri decenni.
"Non ti avevo riconosciuto col colbacco" cit. #natale #pranzonatalizio #parenti
Oggi in versione architetto.
(bidet e lavandino al piano di sopra).
Solo un appunto su hate speech e violenza verbale in genere…
Il linguaggio inappropriato e inadeguato lascia spesso intravedere la malvagità che sta dietro alle parole; lascia scorgere il vero retropensiero. È facile per chi conosce un minimo l'italiano e la psicologia delle persone capire cosa c'è dietro certe battute, certe frasi
Ricomincia la saga dei parenti inventati dei "poteri forti", un assurdo albero genealogico