Blood has been spilled — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #07
Blood has been spilled — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #07
Fragile bird with giant sword — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #06
Bomb eating — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR
DETERMINATION!!! — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #04
The fire that never stops, until the birb comes — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #03
Grandma is back for revenge! — 1 HP & no levelling up run | DEATH'S DOOR — #02
I cannot understand how anyone can something that needs a controller on a touch interface.
E.g. I discovered the weird Netflix mobile Games gives you access to Death's Door,.
it seems a lovely game but it's absolutely unplayable even on an ipad.
I played Death’s Door over the weekend and realized this game wasn’t for me, so I ditched it after some hours. I had fun playing as a crow - I love those clever creatures! And the music by David Fenn is absolutely wonderful.
Final boss got smacked with the umbrella too; 100% completition — DEATH'S DOOR #16 (END)
DEATH'S DOOR — 13: Wild ball-rotating demon yeti
We're live with @gaw's stream of Death's Door! Come join us for some game design geekery while they play.
Today at 3 PM Eastern, @gaw will stream their first time playing Death's Door from Acid Nerve.
Check out this lovely game about a grim Crow reaper with us and chat about game design!
Death's Door — Breaking the game level design, again
DEATH'S DOOR — 11: Quick exploration
DEATH'S DOOR — 10: Explosive backtracking!
Breaking the game level design.
DEATH'S DOOR — 9: Approaching the truth about the Lords of Doors
DEATH'S DOOR — 8: Ripper Roo sage mode
DEATH'S DOOR — 7: Kame hame kaboom!
Trek of Discovery — DEATH'S DOOR — 4: May the world be set ablaze