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🌘 GitHub – SearchSavior/OpenArc:OpenVINO的輕量級推理伺服器
➤ 提供OpenVINO的輕量推理API後端以實現硬體加速功能
OpenArc是為Optimum-Intel打造的輕量推理API後端,通過OpenVINO運行時使用OpenCL驅動程式,在Intel CPU、GPU和NPU上實現硬體加速。它採用強制型的fastAPI實現OVModelForCausalLM,提供四個端點:載入模型、卸載模型、生成文本和查看載入的模型。使用OpenArc可以輕鬆地將機器學習代碼與應用邏輯解耦,提供了API服務來使用硬體加速,並提供了模型轉換和性能報告等功能。
+ 看起來像是一個很方便的工具,可以幫助優化機器學習模型的部署和硬體加速。
+ 對於想要提高推理效能並加快模型載入速度的開發者來說,這個工具似乎是一個不錯的解決方案。
#機器學習 #軟體開發 #API

Lightweight Inference server for OpenVINO. Contribute to SearchSavior/OpenArc development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHubGitHub - SearchSavior/OpenArc: Lightweight Inference server for OpenVINOLightweight Inference server for OpenVINO. Contribute to SearchSavior/OpenArc development by creating an account on GitHub.

Elegant and functional code
I finally got in the groove today with some good music and wrote some elegant, functional and maintainable code that should adapt to a fluid upstream provider API easily (automatic, or with minor edits). Having a few hours of no (actual or anticipated) interruptions was key. No one will probably ever see it, it'll probably "just work" for a few years+. But I'm proud of it AND it works well. That's what counts. #programming #api #php

Breaking news! The new #OpenAIREGraph #API have been released! Simplified #JSON responses, enhanced compatibility with the #OpenAIREGraph #DataModel, expanded functionalities, cursor pagination... read the article to see all of what's new & check out the documentation to see how you can start using them today!


I am not entirely the same opinion, but I don't know the ultimatiave solution either.

»API Keys vs OAuth - Discover Best Practices to Secure your API's:
Securing your API may sound complicated, but there are some basic things you can consider when setting up your API in a more secure way than just exposing it wide open to the public. Authenticating a consumer is a first step towards…«


Axway Blog · API Keys vs OAuth - Discover Best Practices to Secure your APIsAPI keys and OAuth2 are two of the most popular mechanisms for securing APIs. This article defines them and covers differences and limitations.

Liberado o tutorial como criar a rota para apagar um registro na API com Node.js e TypeScript.
Primeiramente, será abordado o processo de criação de uma rota na API com TypeScript.
Em seguida, será apresentado como receber o ID do registro a ser excluído no banco de dados através da API.
Por fim, será demonstrado como remover o registro do banco de dados utilizando Node.js e TypeScript na API.
#celke #celkecurso #nodejs #MySQL #TypeScript #devops #api