è uno dei tanti server Mastodon indipendenti che puoi usare per partecipare al fediverso.
Mastodon.Uno è la principale comunità mastodon italiana. Con 75.000 iscritti è il più grande nodo Mastodon italiano: anima ambientalista a supporto della privacy e del mondo Open Source.

Statistiche del server:

utenti attivi

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Did you know that *lightning strikes* go on vacation on the ?
Obviously, I'm joking, but from the graph it would seem so.

This 2018 data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association () shows that Saturday and Sunday distributions are both lower than the rest of the week.


SPOILER: We don't know...BUT ⏬


We might consider two factors as possible pathways for further investigation:

- Do aerosol particles emitted by and increase the likelihood of ?
- Saturdays and Sundays are days when many people do not work, so there may be fewer factories operating and fewer cars on the road.
