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Mastodon.Uno è la principale comunità mastodon italiana. Con 75.000 iscritti è il più grande nodo Mastodon italiano: anima ambientalista a supporto della privacy e del mondo Open Source.

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Angelo Massaro :ufficiozero:

What a refreshing story! I imagine many of us here owe a great deal to @libreoffice a software suite that has freed us from the grip of the document monopoly, thus broken our dependency on the fate of a single company.
If you're curious about how LibreOffice became what it is today, I highly recommend watching this in your spare time:

@amassaro @libreoffice Well that's probably not about _that_.
It have started with StarOffice, and releasing it into the wild, and people trying to use it despite its various shortcomings. Then came OOo, then... well, then started the LO story.
So how it became the present thing is probably a quite long and not overly happy story.