I've been following the joke/discussion about #Canada joining the #EU and, lately, the news about some US dude suggesting that Canada is expelled from #FiveEyes and following jokes about Five Eyes turning into Four, just without the USA.
And then a thought materialized: wouldn't it be nice if Canada AND Australia and New Zealand and the UK joined the EU and they all grew into a political union? We could call it, simply, the "Federation"
@Eh__tweet let's get this ball rolling!
@Eh__tweet Yes absolutely. If Asian countries and Australia can compete in the Eurovision Song Contest I see no reason why we could not, in a similar vein, extend the EU beyond the strict confines of the continent either.
I'd love to see us join forces with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. And yes, I'd love to see the UK coming in from the cold, too.
If that's the final result of the USA turning its back on the world, it would be a helluva silver lining for us.
@rozeboosje @Eh__tweet Because the Eurovision Song Contest does not put anyone under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice?
My eurobrain cannot comprehend that anyone would seriously-not-just-for-the-memes want to dilute our Union with not just one anglo land with common law, some English guy as its head of state, and internal trade barriers that make our incomplete Single Market look like scifi, but why not shove in all of them? Why are Jamaica and Kenya not invited?
@Veza85UE @Eh__tweet my tongue in cheek about the song contest aside, in the end cooperation is always better than zero sum based competition. But anyone who wants to join the EU must, of course, meet certain criteria and be willing to comply with our rules.
@rozeboosje @Eh__tweet Why do they have to be EU members (where the clue is in the name)? Do we not have any other venues of cooperation with these countries? If everyone spent half the energy they spend online on falling for The Economist's trolling on convincing the 10 remaining countries that haven't ratified CETA yet to do so, that's already a big win for cooperation. Why are Europeans so eager to give a veto in the EUCO to Australia or Alberta (but not Jamaica and Kenya who never come up)?
@Veza85UE @Eh__tweet well that's a fair point to make. They don't need to be full members of "the club". Look at countries like Norway or Switzerland who technically aren't in the EU but are happy to align themselves with us in meaningful ways.
@rozeboosje @Eh__tweet For some definitions of "happy"... Norway's got a fun nickname out of it , but whatever, that arrangement works for all involved (and I certainly prefer it on current EU trajectory). Switzerland is an enclave surrounded by the only trade gorilla on the continent. They align because they essentially have to. Why would New Zealand or Ontario, beyond the already existing cooperation and alignment via trade agreements with some of the anglo countries?
@Eh__tweet Might be manageable, so long as the Tories weren't involved. They'd insist on English pre-eminence...