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Having fun with Google Calendar events and #Obsidian meeting notes:

- Sync in Apple Calendar
- Apple Shortcuts to export today's events (1 ICS file per event 🤷‍♂️)
- Node script to merge events in one single ICS file
- Apache server to make ICS file available to HTTP clients

In Obsidian:
- “New note” in relevant folder
- Templater plugin choses the right template
- Templater script uses ICS plugin to get events, select the current…


Nicolas Hoizey · Note from 14 March 2025
Altro da Nicolas Hoizey

A lot of times the #DigitalGarden scene seems dominated by developers. People who exist in in-between places like me feel a bit frustrated that the tools used - the static site generators - are so unfriendly to non-developer minds.
So, I'm glad that there are some folks who are building digital gardens on #wordpress.
I have plans to use #Obsidian and a plugin - probably either Quartz, Eveloppe or digital garden - to generate my static site one day, but this is a good workaround while I plan the possibly very complicated transition.
I did think about using #Astro but the mechanics of it seem so frightening lol

cc @jenxi I know you did it successfully, but I doubt I'd be able to execute half of what you did!

Chuck Grimmett · Notes on making a Digital Garden with WordPress
Altro da Chuck Grimmett
Discussione continua

- NextCloud comes with a range of options like chats, video calls, calendar, mail, files
- Search engines: A mix of Ecosia and Startpage;
- Plausible for web analytics;
- Brevo for email marketing and newsletters;
- Browser: Vivaldi; highly customisable;
- Forms: Tally
- Ellipsus for collaborative writing and editing;
- Note taking and knowledge management: Obsidian.

#Europe #Tech #Alternatives #Web #Marketing #Vivaldi #Obsidian #NextCloud
What are you using? Do you have other recs?

Discussione continua

Yes to Obsidian... I copied the exported Markdown files from Bear to a folder on the Linux laptop and can open & use all the notes just fine.

So the next idea would be to automate the process by scheduling the Mac to export all the files and move them to a volume that Obsidian can use as a vault.

The whole idea here being I can use Bear, but still access my notes while using Linux.

Are there plugins for #Obsidian that give you more control over where notes are saved? I might need to poke around.

I use the daily notes but just the out of the box option. I keep my consulting business notes in the same vault (one second brain approach), but don’t necessarily want detailed client notes in my daily note. My daily note I often put a brief “worked on this for client X, had a call with client Y” but don’t want details there.

I’d like to be able to create a new note from a link in either my daily note or homepage that opens a “daily note for clients” specific template with more properties aligned to tracking who or what the note is for AND have it saved somewhere other than where my daily notes get saved.

finally got #minio to work!! now I 'have' an S3-compatible object storage!!!

this allows me to use the #remotely-save plugin in #obsidian to sync notes without worrying about space limits and monthly operation limits

the funniest thing is that I tried to get minio to work a few months ago, but I was literally illiterate and didn't know how to read documentation, because it was all written there!!!

Mein Eindruck von der Tasks-Erweiterung in Obsidian: Optisch gewinnt es keinen Preis, es funktioniert ob der vorhandenen Möglichkeiten und die "Programmierung" ist für mich verständlich.
Ich könnte meine Aufgaben notfalls damit organisieren, wenn ich keinen Ersatz für die Apple Erinnerungen finde, der nicht US-Ursprungs ist. Derzeit nerven mich die Erinnerungen tierisch - z.B. der permanente Drang alle Daten immer umwandeln zu wollen und die völlig unpassenden Vorschläge für eine Liste.
#obsidian #tasks