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Russe wegen Mordes an ukrainischen Soldaten verurteilt

Wegen des Mordes an zwei ukrainischen Soldaten ist ein Russe in München zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt worden. Er erstach die beiden kriegsversehrten Männer im vergangenen Jahr in Murnau nach einem Streit. Von D. Herting und M. Breitling.


Der verurteilte Russe hinter einem grünen Schnellhefter verborgen mit seinem Anwalt (Bild vom Prozessauftakt)
BR24 · Russe wegen Mordes an zwei ukrainischen Soldaten verurteiltDi David Herting

So interesting to watch the remains of #Murnau's German #expressionist period in this first of his Hollywood master art works! What a waste of talent, when he died in a carcrash in 1931 (aged 42).

If this is not a story about the strength of love, than which one is? I do wonder if the premisse would be 'digged' nowadays. But that does not take the edge off the ingeneous camera visuals, great acting (Janet Gaynor tops it) ànd storywise dramatic impact of #Sunrise..

A Serene Walk through the Murnauer Moor

At the end of October, the weekend days began with low-hanging clouds and fog. While we hoped for the mist to lift later in the day, we made our plans accordingly. Some weekends, I ventured into the mountains and experienced great days amidst nature. However, this particular weekend, we opted for a leisurely, longer walk.

We decided to visit Murnauer Moos, with the intention of exploring the wooden boardwalk. The boardwalk is located approximately an hour from the start of our walk. Our hope was to witness beautiful, foggy scenes along the trail, and ideally, to photograph the boardwalk submerged in mist. After parking the car, we proceeded into the moor. Thankfully, the pathway is a long, gravel route, making it safe and easy to navigate. Nothing to be worried about.

Capturing the Essence of Autumn

As we walked, I took several photos of the solitary trees. Typically, these trees are not particularly scenic, but the fog helped highlight them against the background.

The road we followed wound alongside a small stream, where I seized the opportunity to capture more scenes. I envisioned a series of black-and-white photographs – or very desaturated, as I felt the color did not contribute to the atmosphere I aimed to convey. Actually – I didn’t even hope for excellent photos but wanted to get into the photography-mood.

We continued our hike, but the fog began to lift earlier than we had hoped. It quickly became clear that reaching the boardwalk with lingering fog was unlikely. Nonetheless, we appreciated the walk itself and the beauty of our surroundings. As we approached the boardwalk area, I took note of several potential compositions for a future visit. To our delight, I discovered a parking spot closer to the entrance of the boardwalk, making it ideal for next time.

Naturally, I also took numerous photographs along the boardwalk when we arrived. However, none of the images captured my interest enough to publish them here. To me it was a bit funny, because I ended up with photos from the moor – which I hadn’t anticipated – and no really good photo from the boardwalk for which we came there originally. And, of course, we had a pleasant walk through a beautiful autumn landscape which was ways warmer than expected.

#112024 #fog #hiking #Landscape #Moody #Murnau #MurnauerMoos #Photography