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"Muhammad Ali: The Day He Refused to Fight for a Country That Didn't Fight for Him" [ < 1min]
by Historical Wisdom
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"Sep 15, 2024
In this gripping video, we dive deep into one of the most courageous acts of defiance in sports history: Muhammad Ali’s refusal to be drafted into the Vietnam War in 1967. "
This is something that impresses me greatly about #MuhammadAli, that he was drafted, and, even though he could have used his celebrity status to stay safe, he used it to become a major face in the opposition of the #Vietnam war. The world got to see hearings with old white men calling a successful young black man "boy" repeatedly, chastising him as some sort of criminal for this simple act of not wanting to kill people for a country that didn't respect his rights.
It also affects the #transgender movement to this day that, despite him repeatedly asserting that his name was now Muhammad Ali, they kept referring to him by his #DeadName. Backlash to this set the tone for later rights of other people to go by different names.
Am 25. November (19 Uhr) organisieren wir mit dem #afrika Referat @rosaluxstiftung zusammen einen Abend zum "Rumble in the Jungle" dem Kampf von #MuhammadAli vs. #GeorgeForeman 1974 in Kinshasa. Kein Boxkampf war so viel mehr als Sport, wie diese Begegnung. Es war ein Zeichen von #BlackPower und #Postkolonialismus genauso, wie heute darüber diskutiert werden müsste, ob es Sportwashing für Diktator Mobutu war.
Vor fünfzig Jahren wurde der #Boxkampf »Rumble in the Jungle« zwischen #MuhammadAli und George Foreman zum Jahrhundertereignis. Warum aber wurde dieser Kampf epochal?
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