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Take a look at Ronald Reagan's Radio Address to the Nation on the Canadian Elections and Free Trade, dated November 26, 1988.
Trump says 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada may not include oil #BreakingNews:Politics #BusinessNews #Canada #DonaldTrump #ForeignPolicy #FreeTrade #ICEBrentCrude(Apr'23) #ImportAndExportPrices #InternationalTrade #Mexico #OilAndGas #Politics #trade #USDollar/CanadianDollarFXSpotRate #USDollar/MexicanPesoFXSpotRate
@dave @localfutures Each year the UK exports around $250,000,000 butter and imports almost exactly the same amount.
The US exports over 3 billion lbs of beef each year and imports almost the same.
Belgium is the world’s 4th highest exporter of water, and the world’s 6th highest importer.
The purpose? To line the pockets of the 0.01%, whilst accelerating the climate crisis on a massive scale.
It’s time to see through and beyond international trade as markers of anything else.
#Corruption, #Lobbying and even taking over the #Government of course didn't make big business just one bit more #Competitive.
But who cares if you can instead just kill #FreeTrade and force everyone to buy your shitty products?
No one, that is. (At least no one who has any power to change that.)
Mastodon è il modo migliore per tenere il passo con quello che sta accadendo.
Segui chiunque nel fediverso e vedi tutto in ordine cronologico. Nessun algoritmo, annunci o clickbait in vista.
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