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Tonight I built and shipped my own personal Content Delivery Network 🚀

A FTP-accessible folder on a distant server with proper conf, a subdomain pointing to it, a root url added before every media link in my static site source code, and

✨ voilà ✨

through the Network.

Thank you, good night.

Surélévation passive et durabilité : mes choix pour une maison écologique à Toulouse

🌲 Surélévation passive en Douglas purgé d’aubier 🌱 : autonomie urbaine et durabilité #Toulouse #Écoconstruction #Permaculture #LowTech Mon projet de surélévation passive avance à grands pas ! Voici les détails techniques et les choix que j’ai faits pour garantir un bâtiment durable, performant et adapté à mes besoins en ville. Structure des murs : Douglas purgé d’aubier Pour tous les…

Homo Hortus · Surélévation passive et durabilité : mes choix pour une maison écologique à Toulouse🌲 Surélévation passive en Douglas purgé d’aubier 🌱 : autonomie urbaine et durabilité #Toulouse #Écoconstruction #Permaculture #LowTech Mon projet de surélévation passive avance à grands pas ! Voici…

Un projet d’autonomie urbaine : surélévation passive et jardin-forêt comestible à Toulouse

🏡 Surélévation passive & jardin comestible 🌱 : mes projets pour une autonomie urbaine #Toulouse #Permaculture #LowTech #TransitionÉnergétique Depuis 11 ans, je cultive une parcelle ouvrière à Toulouse, transformée peu à peu en un jardin-forêt comestible. Aujourd’hui, je franchis une nouvelle étape avec un projet de surélévation passive pour ma maison. Voici mes plans et…

Homo Hortus · Un projet d’autonomie urbaine : surélévation passive et jardin-forêt comestible à Toulouse🏡 Surélévation passive & jardin comestible 🌱 : mes projets pour une autonomie urbaine #Toulouse #Permaculture #LowTech #TransitionÉnergétique Depuis 11 ans, je cultive une parcelle ouvrière à T…

BOOK LAUNCH — How to make books more sustainable?

→ How to make books more sustainable? Inspired by the image compression on its solar-powered website, Low-tech Magazine squeezed the article catalog of their three-volume book series into just one book. Compressing the content — an editorial and design choice — produces a larger reduction in resource use than printing on recycled paper could ever do.

→ During this book launch event, we present our "Compressed Book Edition", followed by a public discussion on sustainability in the book publishing business. We also have a number of copies for sale during the event.
18:45 Doors open
19:00 Book launch
19:30 Q&A
19:45 Book sale / snacks & drinks / networking / low-tech showcase ;)

📌 Barcelona — Akasha HUB, Carrer de la Verneda 19 (El Clot)

📝 sign-up on meetup! (
🗯 poster by our intern Hugo Lopez

This is one time I would be glad for QT - this by @Snos is too good not to share, but she posted in German & I'm not sure everyone's instance is set up to translate.

This is how Canadians dry their clothes! 🍁 Who needs an electric dryer when you have a moose? 👍

The best part is moose are *mobile*, able to stay in the path of the sun as it moves - or *out* of the path of super-winds that will blow your socks & smalls into the next county. 😄

#LowTech #NoTech #Laundry #Moose

I've done a lot of automation throughout my career, and I have no idea what I would need a smart home for.

I can happily walk to that light switch at the wall, the heating control has little potential for optimization beyond setting the temperature below "T-shirt level". I can open and close the window shutters and look for the plants on the window sill while I do it.

I don't need to think of "OpSec" and I don't need to change batteries.

What did I miss?
#smarthome #lowtech

- Bonne nouvelle -

Je souhaitais vous donner une bonne nouvelle cette semaine (qui n'en compte, il faut dire, pas beaucoup) pour que vous puissiez partir en week end serien·es :

Il est possible en 2024 de fabriquer un beau et bon vélo sans avoir recours ni à l'intelligence artificielle, ni à des machines ultra perfectionnées et en minimisant les pièces provenant de l'autre boue de la terre !

Vive le lowtech, vive l'artisanat, vive le vélo !


Dear Lovely Peeps:

An (re?) #Introduction might be in order. I have decided it is time to stop wandering & settle down in a nice sunny garden. 😊

I've been around since 2016, and wherever I am, I try to create a wee gentle eddy of peace & whimsy in my corner of the Fediverse. 😇

I have a #hope-full perspective. Am strongly influenced by #DoctorWho. 😄 Believe in a #SolarPunk / #HopePunk future. Manage to find small good things to celebrate every day. 🎉

Am interested in #FOSS, #travel, #photography, #sustainability, #accessibility, #reading, #writing, being #outside, #LowTech / #NoTech solutions, and a whole lot more.

(I have a neuro-spicy brain so 'a whole lot more' really is a LOT! 😄 )

Come in, have a scroll, and maybe breathe a little easier. I hope you enjoy your time here. 💛

Which programming language or stack would most optimally support displaying pixels onto the most types of several types of devices?
C and make a graphics library?
Assembly, then build on that?
It's such an open question I don't know where to start asking more precise things.
The goal is to put characters on displays. all types of them.
So this "library" should tell a grid of pixels to do that... I never took formal education on programming except 20+ years ago when I tried EET for a couple semesters.
VHDL is a book I have still, so that is certainly low tech worthy.
Is there an inbetween here like Rust, or Go that would serve this purpose? ( tje purpose so well defined you should have the answer by now... :B )

thank you for consideration and suffering this long winky thought process.

ps. I know of many libraries and GIT examples of console engines, grid editors, etc, but the missing part is the unifying graphically what I want to display..which is somewhat determined. Some libraries have good support for multiple window systems, and maybe I need to rely on that better.

"There is hope, there is hope - so let's go!"

Really inspiring video with a lot of low-tech and solarpunk ideas. It has alot of biosphere 2 and whole earth catalogue vibe - but on a small scale. Really nice and cozy.

Alot of the thinking and ideas are along the lines of Low Tech Magazine. For instance the mistshowers (