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Im starting the “challenge phase” of the #FODMAP diet, and I think just in time. I’ve been feeling weird and faint today in that “low on something” way.
Feels like being on the tail end of a 100km bike ride or when I just tried being vegan for a month with no planning.

I’ve been putting it off but my “Dry January” is going on a #FODMAP diet to figure out what is upsetting my digestive system. You eat a weird set of foods that are less irritating, then slowly add stuff back in to see what gets a reaction.
Any tips to make it easier or more fun?…).
I remember when this #bacteria was first discovered. They did a #microbiome sequence on "healthy weight" people and people with #obesity and discovered this bacteria was present in the thin people and missing from the obese people. Once introduced, they lost around 10% of their weight. Why? They didn't know.
Now it turns out this produces a protein that stimulates the body into producing more GLP-1 derivatives. I recently started taking this because I was looking for a obligate Claustrophobia spore-former which along with Bacillus subtilus has been shown to break down #sorbitol which is one of the few parts of #FODMAP that enzymes can't break down, and it came blended as an extra where Akkermansia was the selling point. I'll let you know how it goes. Hoping to get all the good benefits of GLP-1 by effectively microdosing it, which has been shown to have positive effects. I will keep you informs as to how it goes. Also hoping that once I've lost weight I will have beaten FODMAP for good, with xylase isomerase and alpha-galactocidase (beano minus the mannitol)
I recently found a study that shows the polyols encourage growth carcinogentic Strep. mutans, while Bacillus subtilus can break down polyols faster limiting their growth. You can get B. Subtilis from natti which is an aquired taste and texture, or from a probiotic pill. If you have #FODMAP issues you probably have a higher level of S. mutans than the average person. Just ordered some pills and pulled some natto out of the freezer. #microbiome #probiotics #bacteria #food #diet
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Hier noch einmal der neue, überarbeitete Code für die eigene #FODMAP-Liste. Er ist nicht perfekt und einige Verbesserungen sorgten dafür, dass die Suchfunktion nicht mehr funktionierte.
Also habe ich die unschönen Teile so belassen. Die Seite tut, was sie soll und hilft vielleicht einigen, den Überblick über ihre Unverträglichkeiten zu behalten:

GitHubGitHub - kurzishortriver/fodmapContribute to kurzishortriver/fodmap development by creating an account on GitHub.

Dass es mir neulich mit meinem #Reizdarm so beschissen ging, habe ich als Anlass genommen, mir eine Liste zu erstellen mit Lebensmitteln und wie ich sie vertrage. Es werden noch viele Lebensmittel dazu kommen. So werde ich zukünftig testen können, welche der noch unsicheren Lebensmittel ich vertrage oder nicht.

Disclaimer: Es ist keine allgemeine #FODMAP-Liste, sondern meine persönliche.
Obst habe ich gar nicht erst mit aufgenommen 💩


Ich hatte in den letzten Tagen richtig schlimme Probleme mit meinem #Reizdarm oder das was ich dafür halte. Eine genaue Diagnose habe ich nicht, weiß aber, dass ich mit einer #FODMAP-armen Ernährungsweise am wenigsten Beschwerden habe.
Als Übeltäter vermute ich eine Zartbitterschokolade und einige Gebäckstücke, die ich vom Foodsharing abgeholt hatte.

Fedi friends with chronic GI illness, does anyone have any ideas for good, easy low-FODMAP snacks? I'm in the unfortunate position of having a lot of intersecting dietary restrictions, so a lot of the usual recs are no-gos for me. (No peanuts, popcorn, sunflower seeds or oil, dairy products of any kind, etc. etc. forever and ever.) Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated! I like potato chips, but I would *also* like to eat something that isn't a potato chip at some point in my life